I began an earnest curiosity in woodworking art including: furniture ,objects d’art, vessels,and functional utility tools after a 30 year career in business and having a love for all things beautiful that nature provides. I took an interest in our native species of wood provided in and around our state and experimented with colors and grain patterns that sanded and polished produced eye appealing beauty. Wood cherry-picked from obscure wood mills provides the essential raw material in my work.
From forest hardwoods to ornamentals grown in our neighborhoods each specie of tree has its own unique character hidden under its bark.
Further interest directed me to instructional woodworking classes in the use of vintage hand tools that our great great grandfathers would have learned with. The fascination with these implements created the love of working wood by hand. The touch, the quietude all became a spiritual exercise that fed the soul.
From these modest beginnings and self instruction stretched the imagination to include exotic woods and the use of power equipment but always relying on century old tools where possible.
The body of work that I produce, I hope, will create an appreciation what nature has gifted to us.